Saturday, 12 May 2012

My First Swarm

After coming back from allotment,Linda said to me which was about 10am that the bees were everywhere, and from the house there was a very loud buzzing, \Linda said it was like a black cloud , then about 20 mins later it was all what seemed back to normal. It was about 2pm when i returned from my allotment and i happen to go to the top of the garden and in a bush about 5 ft of the ground was a swarm, my swarm,oh no my babies have gone. I was not geared up to deal with the swarm as i did not have the right equipment, so called my mate who was on holiday, so called second mate John. Swarm collected safely and placed in his new hive which was empty, i did not mind as i knew my second hive of bees will be here soon, but we have learnt what to do with a swarm. I now just have to wait and see if my hive will re-queen and pick up.

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