Sunday, 10 July 2011


Official, Now a bee keeper, was doing hive inspection with my Bee Buddy Ray, when I got nailed twice in the left leg, its sting smarted I did swear, second one was half hearted sting.

The hive is doing well and the first super is nearly full of honey as they are capping the frames, so I added a second super today so they can move the stores in the brood box up.

No major problems apart from the bees were a bit grumpy, I think because the weather change so quick that’s why I got stung may be, but at least I can call me self a bee keeper no longer a novice lol.

My Mentor said that there is a good chance I will get honey this year as they have done so well, but the Queen still all over the place layer no set pretty pattern.

Well that’s this weekly inspection report.

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