Sunday, 24 July 2011


I went down to my Mentors hives today as his mate was away and he only had use of one arm after an operation, started of ok did the first hive , two supers ok, but after opening the brood box i commented " these are calm today" with that i got stung on left side of chin, think me bee suit veil moved, with that we couldent get sting out then bang, i got stung in the groin, and on my ankle, think i brushed bee into boot. then i must have had about 50 bees all over my overalls, and i had to move, i walked about 100 yards and still i was getting hammered, even to the fact i had to get in my car with suit on.
Anyway my confidence was shattered these were well out of order mad bees.
I got home and after a cuppa i checked my overalls and counted at least 30 stings. Pain or what/

On good side, after getting home i was reluctant to do my bees but after cuppa i did them with Linda, went through whole hive no problems, so calm again dident use smoker, so alls ok.

Only after math is my face is bloody sore.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Weekly Hive Inspection

Did the weekly hive inspection with Linda today, weather not good but had a 1hr sunny break.

The brood box is doing well, and we have seen the queen on Frame 2, great., the two supers are going well, one now has 3/4 full frames of honey, the second super they are drawing out the frames.

Bees were and are still very calm, no stings .
Next inspection Linda will do the whole hive and i will watch and help, its great she is so good with them and we can both do alternative weeks when checking.

Picture is of couple drone bees.

Sunday, 10 July 2011


Official, Now a bee keeper, was doing hive inspection with my Bee Buddy Ray, when I got nailed twice in the left leg, its sting smarted I did swear, second one was half hearted sting.

The hive is doing well and the first super is nearly full of honey as they are capping the frames, so I added a second super today so they can move the stores in the brood box up.

No major problems apart from the bees were a bit grumpy, I think because the weather change so quick that’s why I got stung may be, but at least I can call me self a bee keeper no longer a novice lol.

My Mentor said that there is a good chance I will get honey this year as they have done so well, but the Queen still all over the place layer no set pretty pattern.

Well that’s this weekly inspection report.

Fringe in the FEN

Saturday 9th July there was a mini festival in the village I live in, and we had a stand all to do with bees, was a good day and lots of interest from public on our bee stand.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Showing a good mate my hive inspection routine

My Good mate Rick called round, and i showed him my inspection routine for the Le-Pige Hive. making honey now have 4 frames full of it, so bees doing great, no problems with hive, but Queen not seen this time.